S29 BACTERIA CONCENTRATE 10X Enzyme Digestant Concentrate
Manufacturer: HCR / Tri-Chem Specialties LLC
Manufacturer Part No: S295X
S29 Bacteria Concentrate is an all purpose enzyme digestant in a super concentrated form. Dilute with water and it can be used in grease traps, drain lines, down pipes, porta-toilets, septic tanks, recreational vehicles, marinas, sump-pumps and wet wells. For General Odor control dilute with water and use to eliminate odor caused by vomit, spoiled foods, animal waste, organic odors etc. Use in garbage cans, waste receptacles, locker rooms, carpet etc. For grease traps less than 20 cubic feet capacity, add 4-5 ounces of product daily, by pouring in a sink or pipeline closest to the trap. This should be done at night or when traps are used the least. After adding flush with lukewarm water. For grease traps larger than 20 cubic feet use 8-10 ounces per day. Digests organic matter. Neutralizes malodors. Biodegradable. Flexible applications. Certified Salmonella Free. Eliminates pet stains and odors. Keeps pipes running free. Dilution: 10X: Dilute 1:10 to make a ready to use product. Packaging: 5gl pail (also available in 55gl drums - call for information).