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Displaying products 1 - 11 of 11 results
ACTIVE Bacterial Organic Matter & Odor Digester
Price $95.00
More Info on ACTIVE Bacterial Organic Matter & Odor Digester
Bacterial Organic Matter & Odor Digester containing bacteria enzymes that will eliminate organic matter and its odors. Digests odors caused by vomit, urine, blood, spoiled food, decomposed animals and animal waste. Packaging: case of 4 x 1 gallons
BACTERIA PLUS Enzyme Digestant
Price $135.00
More Info on BACTERIA PLUS Enzyme Digestant
Bacteria Plus is an Enzyme Digestant that eliminates the problems of odors and clogs in traps, drains, cesspools and leach fields that are caused by fat, oil, organic waste or grease. Packaging: Case of 4 x 1 gallons
BIO-BLAST HCB - Consumes odors in fuel contaminated Water
Price $105.00
More Info on BIO-BLAST HCB - Consumes odors in fuel contaminated Water
Contians an unique blend of spore forming bacillus strains that speeds up the digestion of sludge and solids in reclamation pits. Able to degrade a wide variety of petroleum based oils & greases reducing sludge, malodors etc. Packaging: 4x1 gallons
BIO-FLOW BLOCK for Grease Traps, Interceptors & Collection Systems (30 LB BLOCK)
Price $415.00
More Info on BIO-FLOW BLOCK for Grease Traps, Interceptors & Collection Systems (30 LB BLOCK)
Delivers continuous maintenance of grease traps, interceptors, lift stations, wet wells & collection systems. Breaks down grease & sludge buildup while reducing strong odors. Block dissolves gradually over 30-90 day period. Packaging: 30 lb Block
CITRAZYME Citrus Booster, Prespray & Deodorant
Price $95.00
More Info on CITRAZYME Citrus Booster, Prespray & Deodorant
CITRAZYME is a powerful liquid emulsifier & detergent booster that can improve any cleaning solution. Add to any extraction cleaner or pre-spray for soiled areas where grease, soot or food oils are a problem. Pleasant citrus scent. Packaging: 4x1 gallons
DEEP DOWN CLEAN Enzymatic Floor Cleaner
Price $90.00
More Info on DEEP DOWN CLEAN Enzymatic Floor Cleaner
DEEP DOWN CLEAN Enzymatic Floor Cleaner is a revolutionary enzymatic floor cleaner for commercial kitchens, 3 in 1 product that works around the clock formulated with patented enzymes that devours oils, grease & fat. Increases traction. Packaging: 5 gl
DIGESTASE SDE 340 Sewer Digestant with Enzymes
Price $190.00
More Info on DIGESTASE SDE 340 Sewer Digestant with Enzymes
Specifically formulated for use in sewers. Attacks, liquefies & removes grease, fat & oil faster. Increases system capacity & efficiency. Reduces BOD & COD faster enabling systems to treat higher volumes of waste. Packaging: 50 lb
ENVIRO GT Enzymatic Grease Trap Treatment
Price $115.00
More Info on ENVIRO GT Enzymatic Grease Trap Treatment
ENVIRO GT will digest decayed matter in grease traps, septic tanks, down pipes, holding tanks, lift stations, drain pits, septic waste water in feed lots & lagoons in farm applications. Non-Pathogenic Bacteria digests fats, grease & oil. Packaging: 5 gl
Price $95.00
Enzymatic pet stain & odor remover consisting of special blend of bacteria & enzymes that that will eliminate organic matter & the odors caused by animal waste. It digests urine, fecal matter, vomit & other pet related odors. Packaged: 4 x 1 gallons
REVIVE Enzymatic Bathroom Cleaner
Price $88.00
More Info on REVIVE Enzymatic Bathroom Cleaner
REVIVE Enzymatic Bathroom Cleaner is formulated to eliminate organic waste & deposits from lavatory and restroom areas through digestion by enzyme-producing bacteria. Works quickly to digest urine, fecal, vomit etc. from toilets etc. Packaging: 12 qts
S29 BACTERIA CONCENTRATE 10X Enzyme Digestant Concentrate
Price $272.00
More Info on S29 BACTERIA CONCENTRATE 10X Enzyme Digestant Concentrate
S29 is all purpose enzyme digestant in a super concentrated form. Use in grease traps, drain lines, down pipes, porta-toilets, septic tanks, recreational vehicles, marinas & wet wells. Packaging: 5gl pail (55gl drum available - call for pricing).